\uth 1r: ooki, und 1t > Pr p Tim·: 1 mins ook Tinw: ‘” ntius
Totol Tim’:· 3 minut-•s Yi ·kl: 12 muffins 1t go : l3 \k cl ood .7 from 147 ..,, w
Ensy n bowl, mopl ??v t •n d pumpkin muffins.mi 🙂 with h at flour, ools, · onut oil and
pi s! The ‘h ,Ith muffins or’ u light, fluff ond d •li ious ns th ir · fC,, shop count rpart . R” ip , yi ld.
l- muffin’.
• 1/3 up melted o nut oil or xtru-vir in oli • oil
• 1/2 up mapl rup or hon y
• 2 gg at room t · mp rat11r
• 1 up pumpkin pur
• 1/ 4 up milk of hoi (I u ed almond milk)
• 1 t a poon bakin oda
• 1 t aspoon anilla extract
• 1/2 tea poon alt
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, plus mor for prinkling on top
• 1/2 tea p on ground ginger
• 1/ 4 teaspoon nutmeg
• 1/ 4 teaspoon allspic or cloves
• 1/3 cup old-fashioned oats, plus more for sprinkling on top
1. Pr heat oven to 325 degrees Fahr nheit (165 degr e Celsiu ). If ne e ary, gr ase all 12 cup of our
muffin tin with butter or non-stick cooking spray (my pan is non- tick and didn t requir any gr ase).
2. In a large bowl, beat th oil and maple syrup or hon y tog ther with a whisk. Add the g s and b at
\I 11. Mix in the pumpkin puree and milk, follow d by th baking oda anilla xtract salt innamon
ginger, nutmeg and all pice.
3, Add the flour and oats to the bowl and mix with a larg p on ju t until ombin d. If ou d. like to add
any additional mix-ins**, lik nut , chocolat or dried fruit,£ ld th m in now.
4 Divid th batter e enly betw n th muffin cup . For th e muffin , it’ ok t fill the up littl high r
than ou normally uld. Sprinkle the top of the muffin with a mall amount of ats follow db a
prinkle of rinnam n. Bake muffin for 22 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick rtJMl’ted into a muffin
comes out clean.
5. Place the muffin tin on a cooling rack to cool. These muffins are delicate until they cool down
been v.-arned!). You might need to run a butter knife along the outer edge of the muffins loollJeD
from th pan.
6. These muffins will keep at room temperature for up to 2 day. , OT in the refrigerator fur to 4
They keep well in the freezer in a freezer-safe bag for up to 3 months (just defrost individual malfima
Recipe adapted from my honeu-sweetened immpkin bread.
*OIL OPTIONS: I love coconut oil here. I used unrefined coconut oil and can hardly ta,t.e •
product. Olive oil might lend an herbal note to the muffins, if you’re into that O tested with callkJlma
Ranch’s “Everyday variety and couldn t even taste it). Vegetable oil has a neutral flavor
vegetable/canola oil is highly processed, so I recommend using cold-pressed sunflower
**CHANGE IT UP: You could really go crazy with add-ins here. Fold in up to 3/ 4 cup cnorocare
chopped dried cranberries or crystallized ginger and/ or chopped nuts like pecans or 1t1lltnuts..
muffins with my maple glaze from my pumpkin scones recipe, which sounds tile detieioos.
SERVING SUGGESTIONS: These muffins are great on thei:ro ? with a patofbutta orsprea1
almond butter. They would also be fantastic with homemade pecan butter or ??UBllla:
MAKE IT EGG FREE: Readers report that these muffins tum out wen l\ith Bax egg,:!
MAKE IT VEGAN: Use maple syrup, flax eggs and non-dairy milk.
MAKE IT DAIRY FREE: Simplyuseyour non-dairymilkofchoice.
MAKE IT GLUTEN FREE: Bob’s Red Mill gluien-free ail-p? blend –
wheat flour.
MAKE IT OAT FREE: Simpl omit the oats.
MAKE IT LOWER IN FAT: I would argue that this bread contains a neaJlttWamceit of
replace the oil with applesauce if you’re following a low-fat diet.
.UPOATE NOV. 3, 2017: l just changed whole wheat pastry flom to white?? wl”IPl:n
easier to find and work “-.ith. This recipe origina.Ily}ie1ded 10 muffins,
it can easily yield a full dozen. So rve adjusted the recipe to Jield 12. H you lo\-ed ·
carry on usual.