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Featured Recipes
3 eggs
l cup sugar
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$t{u- anise 1 anis?., 11urn1eg
1 /4 teaspoon. nutmeg
li2 cup butter – melted
3 1/ 3 cup ‘King Arthur :Flour
l teaspoon bakiug powder
I !2 tea.spoon ba.ki ng soda
l !2 lcaspoou .?alt
1/2 cup sliced af.r1.1ond.s
Preheat oven 1 o 3 50 dcgtc,:s F
Cnease 2 sht?et pans
In n1ediurn bo;vJ mix the egg8 7 sugar/ and five spices
In separatt? bo\vl n1ix additjonaJ nutmeg, flour:- baking po,vder, baldng ?oda,
and salt
1\iid I /2 dry 1nixture to egg nu xture r1.11d stj r
_A.dd the rest of the dry ingredients and stir w1til it fbnns into dough
Place l/2 the dough on a. cookie sh,?el and fonu into a log 8 1 ‘ .long and 5” ,:vide
Bake 3 5 1ninutes
1??/hile 10?18 are still \Vann cut into 1/2 11 thick sliceB ….
Lay slices on sheet pan on their sides
Bake 15 rninutes l on uer .. ,
Re1nove f rorn oven and cool
Repeat ‘Nith other half of dough
Store in air-tigh1 container for up to 3 \•vecks
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